Making the decision to start a family is an exciting time. You will need to prepare for the change, challenges, and joy that come with having a baby. However, sometimes this excitement can be replaced by stress and anxiety if the couple has an inability to fall pregnant naturally. Approximately 1 in 6 couples have difficulty conceiving. This can be intensely emotional. Couples who seek support to fall pregnant via an IVF program often require additional support to ensure their relationship remains strong and happy. Each stage of an IVF program will produce different emotions for the individuals involved that can place strain on even the strongest relationship. Baby or no baby, at the conclusion of the program many couples will need to review what life now holds for them. Assistance and support is recommended when navigating the next step of the relationship roadmap journey. Therapia has a history of supporting clients who are currently undergoing an IVF program, and clients who have completed a program. Make an appointment today to talk to a therapist. We build better relationships piece by piece.